Saturday, November 13, 2010

Things That Make Me Feel Good!

Foot massages!!!
Waking up in the morning after having 8 hours of sleep.
Being on the beach.
Listening to a song on the radio that reminds me of a happy memory.
Playing with my grandchildren.
Foot massages!!!
Working out and seeing results.
Knowing I did something to brighten someone else's day.
Getting kisses and hugs from my grandchildren.
Talking to my mom on the phone.
Making dinner for my boyfriend.
Being with family.
Being with friends.
Hearing someone say I love you and knowing they really mean it.
A glass of red wine.
Dark chocolate.
An unexpected breeze on a hot day.
Wrapping my hands around a cup of hot coffee in the morning.
Foot massages!!!
Getting my hair done.
Laughing so hard that my stomache hurts.
Making someone else laugh so hard.
Being noticed.
Movies/TV shows that make me laugh and cry.
Music that makes me feel like dancing.
A relaxing, hot bath with a candle burning and music playing.
Having some alone time.
Finishing a great book.
Starting a new book.
A beautiful, sunny day.
Waking up after a good dream.
Having all of my grown kids come home at the same time.
Making someone feel special.
When someone makes me feel special.
Foot massages!!! ;-)


Amber said...

Do you like foot massages? ;o)

tbsomeday said...

lol amber
that's what i was going to ask

Jeri said...

I need one now...